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breathing & SUPPORTING

Unlike any other instrument, ours is one you do not see. It is therefore essential to understand the anatomical way our entire body works in order to support our singing


Singing is hard work, but at the same time it should feel as effortless as possibile. Our sound should feel natural, comfortable and most importantly ours


My motto is "first you learn how to do it, then you choose if want to use it". We should be flexible and dynamic as our art is, and aim to master all singing techniques

interpretation &performing

Being a good singer doesn't necessarily mean being a good performer, and vice versa. Song interpretation and scene presence play a central part in my teaching method, as does the work on overcoming stage fright 



"Sigal is a sharp and professional teacher, who combines attention to the personal voice and desires of the student with intensive and uncompromising technical work. She is sensitive to nuances, knows how to find the sensitive spots and how to work on them in order to produce progress. She has a huge range of resources of inspiration and exercises, she is multidisciplinary, multi-styled and flexible, and to study with her provides many tools for singer-songwriters building their path in the music industry. Beyond all this she is also a singer with a huge range of sounds and styles, and her demonstrations during the class teach no less than any exercise. Inspiring and wholeheartedly recommended."


"I'm a guitar player, and as far back as I can remember, I was always anxious during shows and couldn't really enjoy them. I was constantly afraid of making mistakes, wondering what the audience was thinking about me, sure that every single imperfection would be remembered by everyone, terrified by the solo guitar parts. Even though I knew Sigal, I never learned with her since I'm not a singer, but almost by chance I happened to take part in the warm up routine she always did with her student before going on stage. Turns out, it wasn't you regular warm up. She made us jump, run, shout, use our bodies to energize, she had us do some sort of guided meditation. That was the first time I really enjoyed being on stage: the fear was gone, I was full of excitement and could feel the audience having fun with me, and every time I felt a bit nervous, I repeated in my head Sigal's words, and all was good and fun again." 

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"I saw Sigal first, performing on the stage as a great singer, so I asked if she gives lessons as well. She said yes and became my teacher. I got so much from the lessons with her, I improved my technique and attitude, and everything was always in a professional yet fun way. I loved learning with Sigal and I strongly recommend her as a teacher."

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"Sigal is a wonderful teacher, she always leveled with me and I always had the feeling of talking to a friend of mine. She was my first vocal coach, she taught me a lot and helped me improve my technique and control my voice and find my own sound. She always understood when something was challenging for me and never gave up, always helped me face the issue.I really recommend Sigal to anyone looking for a vocal coach."

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I’ve been Sigal’s vocal student for the past two years. I started studying music in my sixties while coming from a carrier in medicine without any musical background. With Sigal I could feel a friendly and warm connection from the start. With great diligence she taught me how to breath correctly, how to talk correctly and of course how to sing correctly. She helped me develop my voice and my vocal range up to three octaves, while helping me wide my knowledge of rhythm and solfeggio, supporting me overcome my insecurities and personal obstacles. With her help I was able to audition and get accepted in an advanced semi-professional choir, where I perform to this day. Sigal has a wide knowledge of music in general and of singing in particular. She has an inside professional world of multidisciplinary music, ranging to various music styles, cultures and languages and through her I could access an entire musical archive of artists and styles from all over. Sigal is patient, funny, inspired and inspiring, and she is herself an incredible performer. 
Every lesson with Sigal is an experience, emotionally, intellectually and musically.  

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"When Sigal entered my life and started coaching me, I could immediately see and feel improvement in my voice, my technique and my performing skills. She guided me to find the best path for my needs, and there is no telling how much I enjoyed our lessons, both because of the content of the lessons themselves and because Sigal is hilarious. I think we all want a vocal coach that puts us at ease and makes us enjoy our lessons, and Sigal did that is the most perfect way.
Sigal is a wonderful teacher, anyone who is coached by her is lucky to have this opportunity and has the chance to meet an incredible person.
Sigal is so much more than a coach!"


"Sigal for me was not only a wonderful professional vocal coach, she was also a mentor and a friend. During our year of lessons she challenged me to leave my comfort zone and try new genres and styles. She also taught me how to breath using the correct muscles so I wouldn’t strain my vocal chords. The classes were interesting and inspired me to practice and prepare for the following lesson. At the end of a whole year learning with Sigal, I was able to audition for a music BA degree in one the major music school in Israel and be accepted, and I am now working on the release of my first album as solo artist.
All in all I highly recommend Sigal if you are looking for a great vocal coach and thoughtful mentor."


"I’m Inbal and I have been studying with Sigal for two years now. Being coached by her has been a privilege for several reasons. I felt a huge improvement in my vocal technique, I was able to wide my range and challenge my self with genres and techniques I never even thought I could sing, and after a year studying with her I was able to give and hour long solo recital. The exercises during the lessons are interesting and varied, and we always work on several genres at the same time. The atmosphere of the lessons is always fun and Sigal always gives very useful tips."


"I studied with Sigal for two years. During my time with Sigal I could gain more and more performing experience, improve my technique and wide my range. We worked a lot on improvisation and jazz singing.
Sigal is a very professional coach, I enjoyed our lessons very much and could always feel she was present in every step I made. She really knows her job."


Music Performance Anxiety in Popular Music Singers 

Few studies focus on Performance Anxiety in Music Performers, even less focus on Popular Music and none on Popular Music Singers. This study aims not only to dive into the specific challenges and needs of popular music singers, but also to propose a completely different approach to face the issue.

Want to know more about the research?

Download my Master Degree's thesis 

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